MPs reckon vote on the draft 2011 Oil and Gas Law

MPs reckon vote on the draft 2011 Oil and Gas Law

05/19/2013 (23:01 pm)

MPs reckon vote on the draft 2011 Oil and Gas Law Baghdad / tributary cactus

The members of the House of Representatives that the draft law of oil and gas in 2011 is the closest to a vote of the draft in 2009, pointing out that the latter contributed to a lot of differences.
. said a member of the Integrity Commission, the independent MP Osman Algehiche that “the draft law of oil and gas in 2011 is the closest to view and vote its counterpart 2009 on the grounds that the second gives a lot of powers to the provincial councils noting that this paragraph has contributed to a lot of differences between the central government and provincial councils.
added Algehiche in an interview (range) in spite of all the rapprochement took place between the center and the region recently after the visit of the Prime Minister region Barzani to Baghdad I think the law of oil and gas will go to the next session of the many differences it.
continued Algehiche “, said the oil and gas law of important laws, which disrupted the inclusion of the House of Representatives over the past years due to some political blocs that want to pay Balillabih and lack of clarity the issue of oil and exported all that it involves, as well as the issue of تراخيصه oil.
said, “The oil and gas law case if a lot of important laws that have undergone for bargains and harassment policy, which will leave the parliamentary session ahead.
revealed, “the existence of political parties behind the scenes taking advantage of the failure to approve this law
, noting that his committee demanded to know the beneficiaries of the failure to approve laws that is the law of oil and gas the most important.
For his part, said a member of the National Alliance MP Faleh Ziadi that the adoption of the law form 2009 will witness many of the objections to reverse the amended version of the 2011, they have a lot of supporters They just need to approvals are final.
said Ziadi told (the term) that the issue of pass laws is solid and the powers of the House of Representatives and note disable most of the laws, including the important oil and gas and infrastructure which laws can not be passed in a majority and must conform to all political blocs taking into account the constitutional provisions in this regard.
stressed the need not to overlap the powers of local governments and trying to impose its control fully to the process of extracting oil Baltazahm with the central government
and continued Ziadi, “there is hope of a simple pass oil and gas law in the House of Representatives, but this file is thorny and there a dispute between the province and the center of the hand and between all other provinces Center the other hand, as well as recording several lawsuits and court cases to resolve the dispute between the local and central governments.
pointed Ziadi to “, that any disagreement between the two blocs سياسيتين affect the atmosphere of public policy not to pass laws On the security and economic as well as psychological aspect that has plagued the citizen, who is today the vicinity of politicians.
has confirmed the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary that the priority in any agreement being for the purpose of passing the oil and gas law, is to draft in 2011 provided by the Government; as pointed out that the draft the repeal earlier drafts of the law.
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on hospitality in an interview with “Twilight News”, “The priority in the agreement to pass a law of oil and gas have to draft the government submitted in 2011,” noting that “the draft law of 2007 in the accounts of legal will not be recognized by the House of Representatives. ”
he added, “What is provided by the government of the bill eliminates or deny its predecessors of the laws,” noting that “there is political consensus and the desire in the legislation of oil and gas law can be construed to make some amendments to the draft law 2011 and put to a vote in the House of Representatives. ”
The federal government has agreed with the Kurdistan Regional Government last September to resume the recent oil exports by 200 thousand barrels per day to pay the federal government costs for companies operating in the region, is that the region stopped exporting oil later for non-payment of Baghdad debt obligations and private foreign companies operating in the region.
indicated that the consensus on the draft oil and gas law and the draft law distribution of resources, came within seven points contained in the text of the agreement concluded by the head of the provincial government Naچervan Barzani with the head of the federal government Nuri al-Maliki in Baghdad recently.
and Commission announced oil and energy parliamentary about the possibility of integrating drafts within the House of Representatives كمقترحات for oil and gas law draft and one output unified law being introduced to a vote in Parliament.
said committee member MP Hassan Wahab’s (IMN) that “most of the points in the drafts submitted by the political blocs agreed them and points of contention does not exceed five points relating to all of the powers of the contract and the production and disbursement of financial and استحصالها. ”
He gave that “it only requires the existence of a political will to resolve then we will be able to find solutions to all the points of contention that we can not serve as the parliamentary agreement on one of the points can be put paragraphs have A and B represent the view النظرين and go with them to a vote in parliament, which would be al-Faisal in determining which is better, ”
and explained, “was supposed to go to the jurists of international and the use of the laws existing in the world and adoption of a law for oil and gas in the country, taking into account the suitability of the economic reality in Iraq. ”
It is noted that the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary She has three drafts of projects, oil and gas law, but all of these drafts are not acceptable to the political parties in parliament. Since the adoption of the Iraqi constitution, such as oil and gas law highlighted the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil did not succeed former House of Representatives and current to find a consensus on a common formula for the oil and gas law.