MP: Personal Status Law was fought before being introduced in Parliament

MP: Personal Status Law was fought before being introduced in Parliament


MP - Personal Status Law was fought before being introduced in ParliamentInformation/Special..
Member of the House of Representatives Jassim Al-Moussawi confirmed today, Sunday, that the Personal Status Law was fought before it was presented in the House of Representatives for a number of reasons.

Al-Moussawi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The amendment of the Personal Status Law was followed by many suspicions, challenges and doubts before it was read under the dome of Parliament,” noting that “there are external agendas that move public opinion to fight the laws that are important to the country.”

He added, “The law allows everyone to choose the sect or religion they wish to marry into without giving anyone any opportunities,” noting that “there are many problems that families are suffering from at the present time, and passing the law may limit them.”

It is noteworthy that the Personal Status Law was proposed by the Legal Committee to the House of Representatives to address many problems in the Iraqi family.