MP: Nour Zuhair is a means of transferring money to corrupt parties
MP: Nour Zuhair is a means of transferring money to corrupt parties
MP Thaer Al-Jubouri said on Saturday that the accused Nour Zuhair is “just a vehicle” to transport money for corrupt parties, adding that the theft of the century is still unclear.
Al-Jubouri said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The theft of the century is still unclear and there are many secrets that are not intended to reach the public opinion,” wondering, “Who is Nour Zuhair to be able to steal trillions of dinars in broad daylight?”
He added that “the accused Nour Zuhair is just a vehicle for transporting stolen money for corrupt parties, and this is something that no one disagrees on, and it confirms the existence of forces that support him and provide him with protection,” stressing that “granting him bail, allowing him to travel outside the country and live his life normally raised big question marks, while there are defendants in simple cases who are being detained and are not given the ability to travel until judgments are issued against them.”
He pointed out that “hosting the Director of the Integrity Commission in Parliament is necessary in order to reveal the truth about the case of the accused Nour Zuhair and who are those involved in the theft of the century and the parties supporting them.”
It is noteworthy that the theft of the century has stirred up Iraqi public opinion for months, while the first accused is living a luxurious life outside the country and did not attend his trial date two weeks ago.