MP Maliki reveals submit a request to the presidency of the united republic to wait to hold the first session of parliament

MP Maliki reveals submit a request to the presidency of the united republic to wait to hold the first session of parliament

06/21/2014 13:53

MP Maliki reveals submit a request to the presidency of the united republic to wait to hold the first session of parliamentBaghdad – and babysit – MP for the coalition of state law, Abdul Salam al-Maliki, the Sabbath, from providing a coalition united to repair a request for the presidency in order to wait in the first session of the new House of Representatives, saying that this call is a clear and flagrant violation of the Constitution, while noting that the purpose of the is to keep Iraq in a legislative vacuum to ensure the survival of the deterioration of security.
Maliki said in a statement received news agency public opinion (and babysit), a copy of “There is a constitutional obligations on everyone adhered to if Maardna building a real political process,” noting that “the most important foundations of this process is the activation of Parliament in these critical circumstances in order to form a government Powerful able to manage crises and meet the challenges in Iraq. ”

Maliki said that “coalition united submitted a request to the presidency include the patient to hold the first session of the new parliament,” adding that “it is a clear violation of the Constitution and the demand of the religious authority that called for the need to expedite the convening of Parliament and the formation of the government.”

He also said the “purpose of this obstruction is to keep Iraq in a legislative vacuum to ensure the survival of deteriorating political and security situation, which we see clearly in the expansion of the tide of terrorism in several provinces,” stressing the need to “call the president of the parliament to hold first session for being a sponsor of the Constitution in these circumstances, an official morally and constitutionally to the Iraqi people in the event of any serious repercussions on the overall political process. “p / h