Moscow Damascus saving of strike and Obama from embarrassment
Moscow Damascus saving of strike and Obama from embarrassment
09/11/2013 12:00 AM
Syria agrees to put down their arms chemicals under international control
Damascus – follow the morning
made the Russian initiative put forward yesterday to resolve the Syrian crisis two goals at once, since deported in the first specter of war from Damascus, and rescued in the second U.S. President Obama from embarrassment, after all being confirmed Indicators lack of support of the international community to head the U.S. and the inability of Obama to persuade Congress for approval in a military strike against Syria.
Russia confirmed in its initiative commitment and adherence to the support of its ally Syria, which was quick to announce the approval of the Russian initiative and the development of weapons chemical under international supervision desire to disarm defuse the crisis.
and received the Russian initiative, which he said Foreign Minister Sergei not فروف it’s built on contacts with the Americans, with the support of the international community on Tuesday, in a scene not softened the crisis before.
announced Lavrov said that Russia is working with the Syrian side to prepare a specific plan for implementation of the initiative Russia to develop chemical weapons Syria under international control, and that work on the completion of the plan will be in collaboration with the United Nations.
Speaking about the initiative, which was announced on Monday, Lavrov said it «is not a Russian initiative in full, but it is based on communication with our colleagues the Americans, and a permit to John Kerry, who made it, and which permits the possibility of avoiding military strikes in the event of this problem has been resolved. For his part, Syrian Prime Minister Wael annular Tuesday, said that his country supports the Russian offer to hand over Damascus weapons chemical to avoid attack U.S. military potential, and the television quoted Syrian annular saying that the government supports the initiative to stop the bloodshed in Syria.
welcomed the international community yesterday initiative Russian, where A spokesman for the coordinated senior Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union Michael Mann at a press conference «studying the proposal with great interest and welcome any initiative that could help end the violence in Syria and not to use chemical weapons which».
also announced that Tehran and Beijing, and the Arab League yesterday, welcomed the initiative Russian.
to the President of the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid, it was postponed voting on the military offensive, the U.S. official said that «the Russian proposal seriously and can spare the senators take a position on military action against Syria».
urged the Minister of Foreign Affairs American John Kerry members of Congress to approve the plan of President Barack Obama strikes limited against Syria.
At the session of Congress the first devoted to the discussion of Obama’s plan, which was held yesterday evening, said: «We do not have only to respond, if you refrained from responding This will certainly worse consequences».
He said: «the world is not seen to what we decide, but to how we took the decision, it is important to assure the world that we are able to speak with one voice.