Mitt Romney is changing the course of American policy in the Middle East

Mitt Romney is changing the course of American policy in the Middle East

Published 08/10/2012 08:01 AM

Babinaoz – Agencies: cast the Republican candidate for the White House, Mitt Romney Monday speech is expected to attack the policy of Barack Obama State in the Middle East and condemning “inaction” the U.S. president about the escalation of extremism in that region. Yet this speech which was announced several days ago, Mitt Romney will work to prove its strengths in the event of his election as president in the area of foreign policy and defense, a domain in which the majority of Americans supported Barack Obama.

And is expected to say in his speech on Monday, according to excerpts published in the press on Sunday that “the attacks on America last month should not be seen as isolated acts,” in reference to the attacks on the U.S. embassies in the Arab world in response to the anti-Islam film, which was posted on the Internet.
Romney will speak at 11.20 local time (15.20 t. G) in the Virginia Military Institute, a military university in the east of the country.
And came in excerpts of the speech also said the attacks “appear broader conflict witnessed by all the Middle East, the area you live biggest changes in a century. Themes of this conflict clearly pass through Benghazi.”
The team denounced the Republicans Obama administration’s reaction after the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in eastern Libya on September 11 / September. They criticized the White House because he waited several days before he describes the attack as “terrorist” and he played down the anti-American threats.
And kill the U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in the attack on Benghazi.
Having denounced the strategy of “hope” to be adopted by Barack Obama, said Romney, according to the text of his speech that he wants to “change course in the Middle East.”
He said, “We can not support our friends and defeated our enemies in the Middle East, while not attached to our words to acts … and if the strategy does not look like a partnership but not move.”
If elected president Samay Romney to tighten sanctions on Iran to prevent it from developing a military nuclear capability, and will link financial assistance to Egypt to respect the peace treaty with Israel, and will increase the defense budget the U.S., will also provide the Syrian opposition with weapons, contrary to what is the policy of the current U.S., as stated in extracts.
These attitudes are not new but the option of announcing by heading to a place of symbolic character, shows Romney team confidence that the president is weak in these files.
In a poll conducted at the end of September was considered 46% of the people that Barack Obama will be performed “better” than Romney in foreign policy compared to 40% expressed contrary view – in significant progress, although results are still too close together – compared with poll itself was conducted in July and gave 47% support for Obama compared to 32% for Romney in this area.
But Obama’s campaign team expressed wishes addressed to foreign policy issues. The campaign spokeswoman Democrats Liz Smith said in a statement posted Sunday, “let the battle begin.”
He said, “President Obama spent on the al-Qaeda leadership, and ended in a responsible way the war in Iraq is on the verge of re our troops from Afghanistan, the fight against China’s deception.”
And Mitt Romney, a personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and work with him in the seventies of the last century in the office of consulting “Boston Consulting Group”, will address as expected also to the Iranian nuclear file and accuse Barack Obama as he did several times “to abandon Israel.”
And also will emphasize his personal interest in resolving Israeli – Palestinian conflict after the airing of the video images without his knowledge and said that “the transition towards peace is almost out of the question.”
In Almnazertin Altelovesunitan next 16 and 22 October / October will address all of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney to the subject of foreign policy.
Source: babnews