Ministry of Planning: stability in the indicators of inflation for the month of July last

Ministry of Planning: stability in the indicators of inflation for the month of July last

Saturday, August 25, 2012

BAGHDAD – babysit – saw inflation indicators for the month of July in rates stable compared with the previous month of June after posting a slight increase (0.3%).
He explained a press statement issued by the Information Office of the Ministry of Planning received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of: that this stability was the result of lower prices Department of Food and Beverages by (0.7%) during the month and specifically decline in prices of fruits and vegetables.

The statement noted: that indicators annual inflation compared with July of last year saw a rise clear hit (5.7%) as a result of higher prices Department of Housing in the whole of Iraq (10%) due to the high value of rents homes, which amounted to (13 %).

The statement said: The Central Bureau of Statistics completed the inflation report for the month of July 2012, prepared on the basis of field data collection for prices of goods and services components of the consumer basket of selected sample of outlets in all of Iraq’s provinces, where the results showed, indicators indices of consumer prices at the level of Iraq

A rise in the index of consumer prices (138.1%) in the month of July 2012 rate of 0.3% from the previous month and 5.7% compared with July 2011.

The report stressed: that the Department of Food and non-alcoholic beverages prices e decline during the month July 2012 by 0.7% compared to the previous month, due to lower prices in the central region by 0.7% in the South by 1.0%, while prices have increased in the Kurdistan region by 0.1% . The main reason for the low prices of this section at the level of Iraq is due mainly to a decrease in the prices of vegetables and fruits. The prices of this section increased rate of 4.9% compared to prices in July 2011.

The report: The Department of Alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices recorded increased during the current month by 0.5% compared to the previous month, due to higher prices in the Kurdistan region by 3.1% in the South by 0.2%, while stabilized in the central region. The prices of this section increased rate of 2.7% compared to prices in the month of July 2011.

The report noted: that indicators indices of consumer prices at the district level, recorded prices in the Kurdistan region in July 2012 compared to the previous month increased 0.7% resulting primarily from the increase in prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages by 0.1%, prices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco rate 3.1%, prices of clothing and footwear by 0.1%, housing prices by 2.0%, education prices by 6.2%, prices of miscellaneous goods and services by 0.1%.

The report went on: in the central region recorded prices in the month of July 2012 compared to the previous month increased by 0.4% resulting primarily from the increase in prices of clothing and footwear by 0.2%, housing prices by 1.5%, prices of health, transport, education and restaurants by 0.3%, prices of goods and miscellaneous services by 0.1%.

Source: alrayy