Minister Kurds: We withdrew because of “threats and intimidation” al-Maliki

Minister Kurds: We withdrew because of “threats and intimidation” al-Maliki

10/07/2014 2:27

Minister Kurds - We withdrew because of threats and intimidation al-MalikiBrother – Baghdad
Ministers said the Kurdistan Alliance to Baghdad, on Thursday, that the lack of participation in the sessions of the Council of Ministers is to protest against the actions and statements of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki against the Kurdistan region, Adin them “pouring in the door of threats and intimidation,” stressing that the only way to save Iraq is to return to the national conventions .

said Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Rose Nuri Shaways during a joint press conference with the ministers of the Kurds in the Baghdad government in his office downtown, “We reject the remarks provocative and individual positions of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which is in the door of threats and intimidation and hostility between the components of the Iraqi people and the accusations false towards the Kurdistan region and national forces. ”

added Shaways that “it was the first of respect for the pure blood that spilled daily from the martyrs of the Peshmerga in defense of democracy and freedom,” noting that “these practices and statements from whatever source is a way to hide the failure of security and blame on others which are irrelevant, but the enemies of the Iraqi people. ”

said Shaways that “non-participation in the meetings of the Council of Ministers is to protest and not endured such actions, statements and positions.”

He Shaways that “the only way to save Iraq is to return to the national conventions numerous among the various national forces and a commitment to the dialogue hard to reach to the new national government representing all the people. ”

The presidency of the Kurdistan region, decided on Wednesday, pulling Minister Kurds in the federal government of Baghdad, in response to recent accusations of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who he considered to Erbil turned into the headquarters for the organization, “Daash.”