Member of the Economic Commission calls for accelerating the adoption of the (HCL) oil and gas law

BAGHDAD – and babysit – so I went back a member of the Commission on oil and energy and deputy state law Fatima Alzerkani discussion of a draft national oil company “as premature” and ascribed this to the delay in reading the law of oil and gas, which is supposed to submit to the reading and vote by the Committee for approval in the House of Representatives for the lack of political consensus on the terms of this law.   Alzerkani In an interview with the News Agency of public opinion (and babysit) called for the adoption of the law of oil and gas as a first step to pass laws related to it, including the law of the national oil company, and pointed to the existence of fears of the formation of this company as it will bear all the burdens technical and policy-making in oil While Iraq remains the work of the Ministry of Oil administratively what empties work of the ministry of its content.   And specialists believe that the revival of the Iraqi National Oil Company would be an important factor in achieving the plan to make Iraq a boom in the oil sector and to take advantage of great wealth.   The law of oil and gas laws of the most important outstanding issues, which would solve many of the controversial issues about the existing problems for exploration of oil and how to deal with and I wanted between Baghdad and the rest of the provinces and in particular with Kurdistan.