Mayahi: out of Iraq from Chapter VII a quantum leap in the political process

Mayahi: out of Iraq from Chapter VII a quantum leap in the political process

Tuesday, June 25, 2013 08:54

Mayahi: out of Iraq from Chapter VII a quantum leap in the political processBaghdad / Baghdadi news / .. A member of the National Bloc MP Aziz Sharif white Mayahi, Tuesday, that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII is a quantum leap in the ongoing political process in the country.
The United Nations has placed Iraq under Chapter VII of the UN Charter Ptsainaat the last century because of the former regime’s invasion of Kuwait, which makes the country under international trusteeship until the International Organization recognizes that for ايعد constitutes a threat to international peace and security in the region.
Mayahi said in a press statement moved his press office received / Baghdadi news / copy of “the occurrence of Iraq under Chapter VII because of the adventures of the former regime have adverse returns were great and the ravages of Iraq,’re still paying the price of the rights of the Iraqi people until today.”
He added that “Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII is a quantum leap in the political process of the country, which is a clear indication that the new Iraq is different from Iraq (Saddam Hussein)”
He explained that “this case will add a new twist on the situation in Iraq, either through relations with neighboring countries or its status as an emerging in the field of democratic center of the international community,” stressing that “Iraq carried out most of the obligations imposed by international law after the incident occurred under this item to pay compensation of affected countries The most prominent of Kuwait, and we believe that the remaining of their own compensation possible for Iraq to repay quickly and walks through the country’s huge budget. “Finished / 21