Massoud: Finance Committee postponed consideration of the five-year license law (Details)

Massoud: Finance Committee postponed consideration of the five-year license law (Details)

29-10-2016 02:03 PM

Massoud - Finance Committee postponed consideration of the five-year license lawOrbit News –

Said Finance Committee member Masood Haider, he said that the five-year voluntary leave sent by the government project is a World Bank project to eliminate sagging career, pointing out that the Commission postponed consideration of the law.

He explained Masood in a press statement, that ‘the project of public sector employees leave the law for five years, sent by the government is one of the projects recommended by the World Bank in order to eliminate career sag in the public sector; and to support the human resources sector’, pointing out that ‘this project has been read a first reading, but we in the Commission decided to defer action on it; we believe it will affect the workers in the private sector negatively; because the employee metaphor would have a salary of my name content and will begin searching in the private market and compete with workers in this sector.’

He Massoud, the ‘Committee discussed the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for this project and we have proposed and put it in the draft budget law next year; to experience this briefing Baijayate and cons’.