Market “beautiful” victim of the dollar exchange rate
Market “beautiful” victim of the dollar exchange rate
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 13:00
The repercussions of the crisis stronger dollar exchange rate of the dinar has cast a shadow on commercial traffic in the country, making the trade center beautiful as a market in Baghdad suffers from depression commercial clear. He says Mohamed Hussein , a shop owner: “yesterday and continued exchange rate to one thousand and three hundred dinars Jean-long period is thousand and one hundred and eight thousand and ninety Mieh thousand dead and Achtgguelnh to a thousand dead and ten thousand dead and twenty What Kalash affected Suk now on Iraqi Alsuk became Beah recession. ”
He adds thunder Nojas, owners of the place: “This is a decision taken by the Central Bank of Iraq, which represented Mr. conservative relationship greatly influenced the evidence now talking of the means streets means a street mission in beautiful now become almost empty as a result of the rise of the dollar.” no negative effects stop of the high dollar on wholesalers price, but also to the workers retailers in the market as well. Abbas says Menem, shop owner: “Before the commission we work day and night Hessian Mako time unit Njie Nsok per week once the unit.” He adds glorious Radi, distributor: “Before the order Abu shop Million Hessian Meh and fifty exceed Metin but the essentials and the basics to walk the store.” fear shopkeepers in the beautiful market that the repercussions of the crisis stronger dollar exchange rate of the dinar will continue, which may force them to close their shops and lay off workers.