Marc and his colleagues refuse an invitation to lunch with Obama

Marc and his colleagues refuse an invitation to lunch with Obama

February 16, 2015, 11:50

Marc and his colleagues refuse an invitation to lunch with ObamaFollow-up – ((eighth day))

CEOs of companies Facebook and Google, Microsoft and Yahoo’s refusal to meet an official invitation from the White House for lunch with President Barack Obama, on the sidelines of a summit of cybersecurity, according to the newspaper “San Francisco Chronicle”.

The newspaper pointed out that the strained relations between the White House and the Giants Valley Sulaikjon, came after revelations that the US National Security Agency spying on major technology companies and users violation of their privacy.

He declined Facebook founder, Mark Zukirberg, and Executive Director of Yahoo Marissa Mayer, along with Larry Page and Eric Schmidt of Google, the presence of the General Conference of the summit, which was held Friday at Stanford University, while attended by CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, according to “Bloomberg”.

The rejection of these officials to meet with the US president, in what appears to be trying to pressure them to discourage American security agencies for violating the privacy of users of their company’s services, according to local press reports, US. | ST |