Many laws are waiting for Parliament to vote on them in its second legislative session.

Many laws are waiting for Parliament to vote on them in its second legislative session.


Many laws are waiting for Parliament to vote on them in its second legislative sessionThe Parliamentary Legal Committee explained, today, Saturday, that many laws will be put forward for voting after the resumption of the work of the House of Representatives.

Aref Al-Hamami, a member of the parliamentary legal committee, told Al-Furat News Agency: “The laws that are ready to be presented after the resumption of the work of the House of Representatives are of two types. The first is that which comes to the parliament through the government, and other laws are ready for voting, but they require political consensus, such as the general amnesty law and the oil and gas law, which are extremely important.”

He added: “There are laws with the relevant committees, and many of them will be put to a vote and legislation and take their course.”

The House of Representatives began its second legislative session of the third legislative year after the end of its legislative recess, while the Parliament Presidency called on the representatives, committees and parliamentary blocs to resume their legislative and oversight work, without specifying the date of the next session to “complete the legislative and oversight duties assigned to the House of Representatives,” according to a statement by the Parliament Presidency.

The House of Representatives voted in its first legislative session on the budget law and the national security law, as well as voting on several draft laws, in addition to the first and second reading of some laws, while the hosting and interrogations did not go unnoticed, which ended with the dismissal of the director of the Iraqi Media Network and the head of the Board of Trustees.