Maliki’s visit to Washington aimed at discussing the security situation in Iraq

Alfalh: Maliki’s visit to Washington aimed at discussing the security situation in Iraq

15:14 10/30/2013

Alfalh-Maliki visit to Washington aimed at discussing the security situation in IraqBaghdad – and babysit – between the MP for the coalition of state the law on Alfalh that the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Washington in mostly discussed the topic of security and the fight against criminal groups in the country.
He said Alfalh in an interview (public opinion), on Wednesday, said that “President al-Maliki expressed his intention to hold an international conference in Iraq to fight terrorism, especially since the situation in the region after the Syrian crisis Flame and dramatically”> adding that “Iraq is paying for high-priced as a result of the operations of criminal which is linked to what is happening in the region. ”

The Alfalh pointed out that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki focuses on the U.S. side should abide by the terms of the security agreement signed between the two countries and that one of its corners arming the Iraqi security forces … p / i