Maliki’s return to rule Iraq, the issue of the timing of an Iranian

Maliki’s return to rule Iraq, the issue of the timing of an Iranian

First Published: 2016-10-03

Malikis return to rule Iraq - the issue of the timing of an IranianAbadi seems unable to cope with the former prime minister and hold him accountable, even though his hands full argument for ‘shameless corruption and continuous’.


Baghdad, despite the fact that Nouri al-Maliki is clearly trying to bring him down from his position, who does not have any legitimacy to do so is “machinations and cunning” politicians, the Haider Abadi, the Iraqi prime minister is so helpless in the face of his predecessor as prime minister and hold him accountable despite the fact that his hands full argument that reveal “corruption (Maliki’s) blatant and continuous,” as stated by Monday, a senior official at the Iraqi Ministry of Finance.

And it connects observers silence Abadi orders of the Dawa Party, Maliki headed by himself and orders higher for everyone from Tehran regarding the arrangements being prepared for the rehabilitation of the Shiite arena and end the differences between the political components inadvertently re-Maliki to power because no one else, in the estimation of Tehran, it can lead to the duties and loyalty What after the liberation of Mosul and the absence of the most prominent argument for the existence of Iran’s Occupation in Iraq.

Said Hoshyar Zebari and Minister of Finance, at a press conference hours after his dismissal from office through a parliamentary interrogation of the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is seeking to topple the Iraqi government over the sacking of minister for political reasons, not professional.

And goes skeptics of silence Iraqi Prime Minister hidden war waged by al-Maliki’s government to entrap them, through the overthrow of the respective ministers and minister-minister, to assert that al-Maliki is moving according to a comprehensive scheme Shiite backed by Iran, regards an Iraq following the liberation of Mosul, which is Iraq, it is important to due to his al-Maliki as a person where preparations are available to support the Iranian hegemony, but riot all regional and international force could compete Tehran on its dominance in Iraq.

Analysts say al-Abadi himself seems resigned to the inevitable and “content to” the possibility that the fall of his government, as it did not appear as expressed by all that worried about the pursuit of the “rival” arch and its leader, the most prominent of the Dawa Party (Secretary-General of the ruling party Shiite), to topple his government.

The Iraqi official said that “Nuri al-Maliki allocations still exist, and it did not deliver the presidential palace where he lives, and his son still (Ahmed) grand daughter (Isra) who live in the homes inside the Green Zone government and pay for rent, as well as protection costs, and use cars the state. ”

And relieved Maliki from his duties on August 9 / August 2015 after al-Abadi announced the group decisions and reforms, most notably the abolition of the posts of Vice President of the Republic (Nuri al-Maliki and Osama al-Nujaifi and Iyad Allawi) and the Deputy Prime Minister (Bahaa al-Araji, Saleh al-Mutlaq and Rose Nuri Shaways) in response to popular protests called to resist corruption.

Iraq’s cabinet has approved the resolutions passed by but did not penetrate the end time.

Quoted Iraqi media for the official, who did not reveal his name saying that “al-Maliki monthly allocations remain as they are by 125 million dinars (about 100 thousand US dollars), of which 36 million salary personally to him, and the rest allocations bodyguards, totaling 30 people, except regiment of the Iraqi army it has been emptied to protect it, and receive this military regiment its ranks from the Ministry of defense, and within this amount also millions of dinars hospitality and dangerous and travel allowances, and at an annual rate of one billion and a half billion dinars (about a million and a quarter of a million dollars). ”

Al-Maliki gets these allocations as a Vice President, a position he Achtglh of September 9, 2014 until he was discharged him in 2015.

The source added that “the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was unable to withdraw those privileges granted to the owners and members of his family from the state budget.”

During the rule of al-Maliki of Iraq “common” Iraq, as it was not in its history at all, and subjected to the plight of the Sunni component is difficult to return them safely for decades. Iran has also succeeded in consolidating its dominance of the various circles of political and security decision in this country to the extent that it has become an Iranian province in particular and that the relationship between the two hyped just an alliance or the loyalty of the Baghdad government to the owner of it in Tehran.

And also al-Maliki is in Iran’s perspective, more people can believe in regional boycott of Iraq with the task Sunni Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries and Turkey.

Iran fears that the completion of the liberation of Mosul would strengthen international pressure to withdraw from Iraq and restores “sufferings” of the Sunni spectrum of Iraqi Shiite component is backed by Tehran to the front of the internal conflict in Iraq. It is likely to find the demands of the old year renewable configure a Sunni region disposes of its resources to improving the conditions of life of its population and manages security affairs with his children, saying international support.

And contrary to these demands with the Iranian scheme as completely that Iran wants Iraq “full” without spin, especially after he made a lot of this regional dream.

Highlights Maliki boldly rare in attacks on Saudi Arabia, which does not execute any chance for young people singing Boqza descriptions, a strong supporter of the re-cut advocates of diplomatic relations between Baghdad and Riyadh, and the expulsion of the Saudi ambassador.

And Saturday, a coalition of Nouri al-Maliki called for the adoption of a law allowing the Iraqis to sue Saudi Arabia on the “crimes” committed in the country along the lines of the law, “Justice against the sponsors of terrorism” and known as “Justa” passed in the US Congress recently, referring to the possession of the government, “sufficient evidence” Riyadh’s involvement in supporting terrorism inside Iraqi territory.

Observers say Iran sees in al-Maliki, a man next phase in Iraq that will not be easy, and abound where challenges to the strong Iranian presence in Iraq, and are therefore working order of status of its usefulness to return to power less obstacles as possible, at least within the Shiite House, which is working to narrow differences Alhieihalhieih to the maximum extent possible and the last of these Iranian efforts resulted in the return of Muqtada al-Sadr, a sworn enemy of the owners to the house of obedience to the Shiite alliance in a move that seemed swift and sudden.

Maliki succeeded in strengthening its relations with a number of political forces, including the Sunni, also succeeded in strengthening its relationship with the popular crowd one of the most prominent security arms in Iraq at present and in the future.

He revealed a source close to the religious authority Monday that al-Sistani Nuri al-Maliki described the man honest and national levels. And that the cause of the reference to derail a relationship with al-Maliki when he was a former prime minister, is “Former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki adviser Abdel Halim al-Zuhairi.”

The source pointed out that the Zuhairi “The common link between them through the transfer of their letters incorrectly, which led to mixing of information and the failure of the relationship.”

Maliki is also a proponent of supporting the role of Iran in Syria and the survival of Bashar al-Assad and al-Maliki did not hesitate to show his support for Bahrain’s Shiites, did not hesitate in attacking the regime in Bahrain, al-Maliki stands strongly with the coup-Houthi in Yemen.

It describes Iran’s presence in Iraq as to support an ally of the government against terrorism is one of the most important rationale that justified Tehran’s meddling Occupation in Iraq, as justified by the largest Shi’ite cleric in Najaf, led by cleric influential Ali Sistani, the formation of militias, the crowd started preparing to turn into a “revolutionary guards” an affirmation a crucial time for the next Iranian Shia in Iraq.

Analysts assert that al-Maliki inevitably to rule Iraq return either through overthrowing the government, or after the first upcoming legislative elections, primarily because of Tehran tried in Iraq sentenced previously benefited greatly from his judgment, and secondly because it will be one of the strongest allies of his wish or without, as Maliki, who malice on Saudi Arabia’s arch-foe Iran in the region will also be an ally of the US easy because he has not forgotten that the United States is to remove him from power after the fall of vast tracts of Iraqi territory, and suspiciously in the hands of the organization of the Islamic state, and came Balebadi as his successor.

Dogged accusations Nuri al-Maliki that he is of Iraqi troops ordered to withdraw and not to fight the terrorist organization Iraq up to what came to him, and that the accusations went so far as considering that this withdrawal gave chief strategy for the service of Iran where he gave “legitimacy” to penetrate security and militarily in Iraq and in review in front of the world.

And allowed Iranian interference declared in Iran tested the weak will of the major powers in the prevention of the most expansion in more than one Arab country, to announce later the participation of Iranian forces or Shiite militias allied and mercenary troops gathered from several countries such as Iraq itself or Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight in defense of Bashar al-Assad and its project in Syria and Yemen, and say publicly, it occupies four Arab capitals.

Although analysts do not deny the existence of difficulties for al-Maliki back to the prime minister, perhaps because of the American veto experience against him after his victory in the recent parliamentary elections, the situation in Iraq and the Middle East dramatically changed over the past two years, make all possibilities are open, including Maliki’s return as prime minister in Iraq .