Maliki’s office: very close to the formation of the largest bloc .. This is the date of the announcement

Maliki’s office: very close to the formation of the largest bloc .. This is the date of the announcement

2018/08/18 18:16

Malikis office - very close to the formation of the largest bloc .. This is the date of the announcementBaghdad today – Baghdad

The Office of the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, on Saturday, the approach of the coalition to form the largest bloc, which in turn will cost the formation of the next government.

“The coalition of state law continues to dialogue with the political forces that believe in the project of the political majority and the project of establishing a strong government that has a solid government program that meets the requirements of citizens of services and others,” said Hisham al-Rikabi, director of the office.

“The state of law is very close to the formation of the largest bloc, and we are now waiting to ratify the election results, and then there will be an official signature of alliances and the declaration of the largest bloc and who will include.”

The member of the coalition of state law, Mohammed al-Musawi, has revealed, on Friday, the agreement of the political blocs to assign the head of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, to the premiership next.

Al-Musawi said in an exclusive interview (Baghdad today) that “the alliance led by Hadi al-Amiri, a mass bloc led by Faleh Fayyad, and the National Axis Alliance (which includes Sunni leaders), and some Kurdish blocs, agreed this evening, to nominate Nuri al-Maliki, Coalition of state law, to head the next government. ”

He added that “Maliki’s candidacy for the post came with the approval of all the blocs together.”

The political lists await the approval of the Federal Supreme Court on the results of the elections, after their final declaration on August 9, 2018, according to the manual counting and counting operations of the ballot boxes in question throughout Iraq, where the lists seeking to attract the other parties in an effort to form The largest bloc in preparation for nominating a candidate for the presidency of the next government.