Maliki’s Nomination .. What Is The Plan Of The Rule Of Law?
Maliki’s Nomination .. What Is The Plan Of The Rule Of Law?
Earth News/
The talk about the nomination of the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, to head the new government, came to reveal several secrets, including the attempt to obtain gains through this nomination, despite the coalition’s adherence to the nomination of its leader and considering him a “man of the stage.”
Political analyst Ali Al-Baydar told “Earth News”, “Al-Maliki in 2022 is completely different from Al-Maliki in 2006 and 2010, due to the many changes, and this difference may push him to move away from being at the forefront of the scene as prime minister during the next stage, especially since he He is well aware that the prime minister in the next stage is unable to move freely, as he is shackled by political will.”
Al-Baydar added that “the statements that talk about putting up al-Maliki’s name for prime minister, are a political maneuver, the aim of which is to make the interviewer feel anxious, so that he can nominate a person close to him. Al-Maliki during the next stage.”
And he indicated that “the Islamic Dawa Party and its Secretary-General, Nuri al-Maliki, wants to return to the scene again under the leadership of the state through the prime minister, but the return will be according to a new mantle, but al-Maliki remains the captain of the ship of the Shiite component during the current and future stage.”
There were reports of the State of Law coalition’s nomination of its leader, Nuri al-Maliki, as prime minister, but it was denied by leaders in the coalition, and no official statement was issued on the matter.
Al-Maliki has published several tweets about the form of the next government, the last of which was today, Monday, where he said, “The next government must be a government that sends a message that it is service to all Iraqis and that it will not be exclusionary, marginalizing or finalizing any party that contributed to the political process and participated in the elections or not. Those who remain or withdraw from it participate.”
Al-Maliki’s name was proposed, with the coordination framework approaching the formation of the government, following the withdrawal of the Sadrist bloc from Parliament, and the taking of the constitutional oath by the replacement deputies, as most of them are from the forces of the coordination framework, which contributed to raising the number of its seats.
What’s the plan?
On this matter, political analyst Ghaleb Al-Dami told “Earth News” that “in politics everything is possible, but we believe that putting up the name of Al-Maliki for the prime minister comes in order to obtain other and new positions, especially since the bulk of the coordination framework rejects Al-Maliki takes over as prime minister, and therefore that al-Maliki’s relinquishment of this position will lead to his coalition obtaining other positions.
And Al-Daami said that “Al-Maliki wants the State of Law coalition to take the position of the first deputy speaker of parliament and to take the vice-president of the republic, especially since Al-Maliki is genuinely aspiring to the premiership, but he knows that the internal and external political atmosphere rejects this matter.”
He added that “al-Maliki presents himself for prime minister, in order to obtain important positions during the next stage, in exchange for withdrawing his candidacy from the prime ministership, this goal is to put al-Maliki’s candidacy strongly during the past days.”
It is noteworthy that the leader of the Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq movement, which is affiliated with the coordination framework, Ahmed Abdel-Hussein, confirmed in a press statement that “the framework cannot nominate al-Maliki for prime minister … the specifications do not apply to him.”
It is noteworthy that the disagreement of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, with the coordinating framework, was the largest part of it was the presence of al-Maliki in the coordinating framework, and al-Sadr revealed previously during the negotiations, that he had proposed the idea of removing al-Maliki in order to ally with other framework forces.
On the other hand, the leader of the State of Law coalition, Fadel Mawat, told “Earth News”, that “there is a real desire by representatives and leaders of the state of law to nominate al-Maliki for prime minister, especially since al-Maliki has all the qualifications and specifications that enable him to lead the next stage. The stage wants a man.” Brave and strong.
Mowat pointed out that “the coordination framework until this moment has not officially nominated any person for prime minister, but the name of al-Maliki will be among the candidates, but rather the most prominent of them, and the choice of the name of the prime minister remains in agreement and consensus among the framework forces.”
He added that “there is no political objection by the framework forces or other political forces to the leadership of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, as prime minister during the next stage, but the resolution of this matter remains subject to agreement and consensus between the coordinating framework forces.”