Maliki’s meeting of the state law, “there are those who betrayed me until the last hour”
Maliki’s meeting of the state law, “there are those who betrayed me until the last hour”
August 11, 2014 17:41
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. source confirmed that a coalition of state law, said on Monday that al-Maliki during a meeting with members of the state law said that there betrayed him until the last hour.
The source told / Baghdadi News /, that “the meeting was headed by Nuri al-Maliki in the Green Zone in the presence of Vice only 53, to discuss the commissioning of the infallible Ebadi to take over the presidency of the next government.”
He added that “al-Maliki accused during the meeting, and Haider al-Abadi al-Shahristani and writer of treason, noting that” there are those who betrayed me until the last hour. ”
He pointed out that “the most prominent leaders of the call were absent from the meeting, with the exception of Adnan al-Asadi was present,” noting that “the recommendation came out of the meeting confirmed to make a complaint to the Federal Court on violations Abadi assigned to the formation of the next government.”
It is said that the President Fuad Masum commissioned on Monday to form a government Haider Abadi Almqublh.anthy 21 / P