Maliki’s main rival for the post of prime minister: Maliki .. dreaming third state!
Maliki’s main rival for the post of prime minister: Maliki .. dreaming third state!
Date: Wed, 07/31/2014 7:45
Dismissed the head of the citizen and the leader of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council Bayan Jabr, reports that named a deputy prime minister, also denied al-Maliki received a third term.
Zubaidi said that “the reports that called for the post of deputy prime minister is no truth to it, as that of talking about giving a third term to Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, it is either delusional or wishes so, the fact that the alliance exceeded Multi-Maliki’s nomination and is currently in the process of agreeing on a another candidate. ”
He added that “there are three candidates, non-Maliki is currently studying their names within the National Alliance.”
As part of the news about the state law considered the biggest bloc, al-Zubaidi said “he has been asked to provide a site of the President of the rule of law is also the National Alliance is the largest bloc, and any talk about another block is considered to be the biggest inaccurate, especially since been confirmed by contacting the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, and Parliament Speaker Salim al who confirmed that the National Alliance, the largest bloc. ”
The media picked up news that it had been agreed on the third term of the owners and the position of Deputy Prime Minister Bayan Jabr.