Maliki’s coalition opens “fire” .. Abadi sought to resolve the “popular crowd” in favor of America ..

Maliki’s coalition opens “fire” .. Abadi sought to resolve the “popular crowd” in favor of America ..

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 15:29 pm

Malikis coalition opens fire .. Abadi sought to resolve the popular crowd in favor of America ..Follow-up / Sky Press

Nuri al-Maliki’s construction coalition has opened fire on former Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abbadi, accusing him of trying to hold on to his former position at the helm of the government through an alliance with the United States.

According to Iraqi media, Abd al-Amir al-Mayahi, deputy coalition building, today, Abadi sought to resolve the popular crowd, to please the United States to help him stay at the head of the Iraqi government for a second.

He said that Abadi’s attempts were for the personal interests of his wishes to remain in power in Iraq and in doing so gave much to the United States and the International Alliance in the hope of support.

He added that Abadi obeyed the American administration and in that way he promoted the dissolution of the armed factions and the arms of the state in preparation for the solution of the popular crowd, so that he was not to reshape his government in order to satisfy the Americans.