Maliki’s coalition announced: the post of President of the Republic will remain vacant after the referendum!

Maliki’s coalition announced: the post of President of the Republic will remain vacant after the referendum!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 09:26 AM

Malikis coalition announced - the post of President of the Republic will remain vacant after the referendumBaghdad / Sky Press

Called on the coalition of the rule of law Emotions blessing, Tuesday, the political blocs to accelerate the resolution of the post of President of the Republic, which “may remain vacant” in the event of the vote of the Kurds in favor of independence from Iraq, expressing the view that the preference in the nomination may be independent persons or personal component Christian or an academic.

“Mr. Fuad Masum has a political and combat history, but his mandate may end automatically on the 25th of this month coinciding with the referendum on the separation of the region, and thus become infallible as a foreign citizen of the Kurdish community and has no right,” Nima said in a statement received by Sky Press. To serve as President of the Republic of Iraq. ”

“His support for the referendum means that he violated article 67 of the constitution, which stipulates that the president of the republic is the head of state and the symbol of the unity of the country and represents the sovereignty of the country and ensures the commitment to the constitution and the preservation of Iraq’s independence, sovereignty, unity and integrity.” Territory “.

“A few days away from the presidency remains vacant, and the current situation requires everyone not to raise disagreements about who will occupy this position,” she said, noting that the preference in the nomination must be independent or personal figures of the Christian component or a well-known academic.