Maliki’s coalition accuses the Iraqi to “bullying” out there and try to postpone the National Conference

04/04/2012 17:52

Baghdad, April 4 (Rn) – accused coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Wednesday some of the parties in the Iraqi List of trying to postpone the convening of National Conference and the strength to “Saudi Arabia and Qatar,” to create alignments “dangerous” on the domestic situation, while confirming the Iraqi decision was taken not to share at the conference on Thursday. and House Speaker Osama Najafi, a leader in the Iraqi List, has been ruled out on Wednesday the possibility of …convening the National Congress on Thursday because of the breadth of unit differences between the political blocs. But the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference will be held today a meeting is the seventh and expected him to get out paper work a private conference of political reconciliation. The leader of the coalition, Ihsan Al-Awadi told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “some brothers in the Iraqi List, seeking to solve problems through the gates of the neighboring countries and this will not resolve the differences as evidenced by the eight years of the intervention of neighboring countries Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Iran caused all idleness of the political landscape more. ” The Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, a senior commander in the Iraqi List, and is required to eliminate the Iraqi had discussed over the weekend developments internal political situation with the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, in Doha. explained Awadi “Attabna heavily on brothers who Istqwon abroad to resolve the internal problems (…) We will not allow an outsider to enter to the line of the internal crisis and wants to pushing the outside will not reconcile that. ” and warned al-Awadi, of “the emergence of alignments of a new Iraq” because of what he said about “messages sent from other to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, urging them to intervene in the internal affairs of Iraq. “He also said that “everyone try alignments and Oiguenoa that it caused major problems.” Confirmation of the National Alliance on the need to hold a national conference Bmuadh specified offset by confirmation from the Iraqi List, it will not participate in a conference called ” protocol. ” The leader of the list Hamid al-Mutlaq’s (Rn) that “the Iraqi List, has taken a decision not to participate in the protocol is similar to the conferences held earlier (…) We want the conference outcomes and solutions to outstanding problems in the country.” said Mutlaq, said that ” non-participation in the conference that was held on Thursday comes from the conviction that he would not be effective. ” and the al-Mutlaq, who made ​​his list five conditions as a basis for participation in the National Congress that “the failure to attend the leaders of political decision-making in the country at the national conference is evidence that he is an actor.” The issue of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, the biggest challenge in front of the political blocs to find solutions to them after the confirmation of the Kurdish side to the case where the “political dimension” before exploding new crisis between Baghdad and Erbil on the management of oil wealth. The President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, the middle of last month that the the region would not hand over al-Hashemi in Baghdad, accusing at the same time the federal government of trying to pushing the Kurdish issue Hashemi. gave Barzani last month a proposal to resolve the issue Hashemi politically requires the meeting of the three presidencies with the Iraqi List and take a position on it. In the opinion of the Kurdistan Alliance, which strongly criticized the positions of the Federal Government yesterday on the hydrocele oil wealth, the National Congress is necessary at the moment and set to take place by President Jalal Talabani. The deputy chairman of the blocks Mohsen Saadoun’s (Rn) that “the National Conference is necessary at this time that there should be a meeting of political leaders to resolve all differences, it is practically Conference important for all those responsible so we are with held. ” He al-Sadoun, “We hope by the Preparatory Committee to reach the minimum of the agreements and not be filled again to exit without positive results and agreements publicly documented on all political differences.” and, following more than three months meetings of the Committee preparations for the National Conference and since that time have not been able to reach agreement on a consolidated paper discussed at the conference. opposed to the National Alliance strongly discuss the issue Hashemi accused judicial support “terrorism” as endorsed recently the Kurdistan Alliance, the demand of Iraq need to end the controversy the issue Hashemi at the national conference. From: Raman Brosk.Open: Abdullah Sabri