Maliki’s chances in the third term

Maliki’s chances in the third term


Malikis chances in the third termBecame the third-term Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the issue most exclusive world attention in political circles even before the elections, the thirtieth of April. , and after the announcement of the final results of the elections and the victory of a coalition of state law, the largest share of votes gained speculation about the state of al-Maliki third momentum multiplier. If the leader of the list the biggest share of seats is that costs traditionally form the government in many democratic countries, the Iraq precedent distanced his regime’s political about this custom when it decided the Federal Court after the 2010 elections that the largest parliamentary bloc that constitutes the government, not the list of winning the largest number of seats. With this decision leaders agreed the National Alliance commissioned Maliki to form a government instead of the leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi, despite winning his list largest number of seats. Assuming that the decision of the Federal Court is still in force, it means that al-Maliki needs to form a bloc to ensure a majority in parliament and its components conform to his nomination. This is sought by a coalition of state law as part of a political movement and communication between representatives of coalitions and entities, and various lists. must be pointed out that the task of the coalition of state law is not easy. There are forces to be reckoned with opposed to the third term of the owners, including the Kurdistan Alliance and are united under the leadership of House Speaker Osama Najafi and of course the national coalition led by Iyad Allawi, who feel that the prime minister was stolen from him four years ago.

What’s more, an important coalition of state law for the construction of a large block to ensure the survival of Maliki for a third term complicated position announced by the forces of the National Alliance, which includes the Islamic Supreme Council headed by Ammar al-Hakim and the Sadrists Basically, it held these forces held a press conference on Tuesday, he read the Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum for a coalition of citizen’s statement called for a coalition of state law to withdraw its candidate Maliki stressing the need to emerge the candidate for prime minister Agreement components of the National Alliance all. Radio Free Iraq met a spokesman for the Liberal bloc thoracic Jawad al-Jubouri, who stressed that the standards adopted within the National Alliance were not high on the standards in digital signal to the number of seats won by a coalition of state law corner of the other main coalition but on the basis of parity between state law and the National Coalition who returned to renew itself to reconsider its rules of procedure and program and structure. and accept Jubouri standards, which he said that the National Alliance guided since its inception, stressing the understandings and the higher interest of the Iraqi people and the peaceful transfer of governance and respect for minorities and the development of democracy and the fight against corruption and to ensure the security of citizens. He accused the coalition of state law to weaken the alliance and entered into a crisis after its deviation from these standards, in the words of Jubouri. said a spokesman for the Liberal bloc to be the supreme authority in Najaf also supports the non-renewal of the owners calling since the beginning of the election campaign to the new faces and choose the most efficient and has the ability to serve the people and respect for human value higher hello carefully reference to stand an equal distance from everyone and refusing to receive any of the representatives of the political blocs in order not to employ such meetings for the purposes of political gain. member of the House of Representatives for the coalition of state law, Abdul Salam al-Maliki considered that the claim by the National Coalition on call to withdraw the nomination of al-Maliki is not binding on the State of Law coalition or its allies or like-minded with the plan, pointing out that this point of view only two of the parties to the National Alliance, the Shiite, which includes limbs several other such virtue and “independents” and the Dawa Party-Iraq Organization and the Badr Organization of the other parties . saw MP Abdul Salam al-Maliki said the ideas proposed by only two parties in the National Alliance are the Islamic Supreme Council and the Sadrists came at the expense of about six or seven other parties in the National Alliance and was incumbent upon these two parties should work to make any project agreement with the other parties, describing the announcement of the National Coalition as “a sort of circumvent the coalition in general,” Deputy State law that the coalition was able to muster enough to ensure a parliamentary majority, saying that the seats in the blocks and the forces that reach a coalition of state law to the agreements in principle with or under the umbrella of his tent or in harmony with the program exceeded the 170 seats. leader of the coalition are united Talal Zobaie called the National Alliance to resolve the differences of the Interior and provide a candidate acceptable to the Parties to the recent and otherwise, the coalition united stand against this candidate. noted professor of political science at the University of Baghdad, Hamid Fadhil that the position of the Islamic Supreme Council and the Sadrists against the renewal of the Prime Minister of the outgoing was Siklq Maliki if taken before the election, but it came too late, especially as Sunni forces representing the current range, such as the Alliance of the national forces expressed their willingness to cooperate with the coalition of the rule of law and to accept any candidate agreed upon by the National Alliance Shiite. expressed Fadel believed that al-Maliki within far enough from the Allies to dispense with the support of the Supreme Council and the Sadrists, and therefore, the representation of Shiites became a foregone conclusion and the problem of al-Maliki now is the understanding with representatives of the Sunni and this is also semi-settled position of the alliance national forces and remains to persuade the Kurds is the obstacle harder, but even this can be overcome if Maliki gave them concessions attractive on the export of oil and the application of Article 140 of the Constitution to resolve the issue of Kirkuk and settle the status of Peshmerga for example. ” political analyst and confident Hashemi said all scenarios Award, including the return of al-Maliki for a third term, and all of the guarantees 165 votes in parliament can form a government, including al-Maliki, since there is no constitutional text stop him, or could replace the National Alliance for Maliki another candidate for prime minister, as happened with Ibrahim al-Jaafari in 2005. confirmed al-Hashemi said of the religious authority in Najaf good reasons to refuse to receive one or interfere in the political process, accusing the politicians they were not trustees with Nahkim for that their performance during the last period did not perform in front of a reliable reference. took to form a government after the 2010 elections, about ten months, was at the time a record is not known whether politicians Christtmonh after the 2014 elections. participated in the file Radio Free Iraq correspondent in Baghdad, Muhammad Yunus