Maliki: We will not allow our country to live a state of killings, displacement and chaos

Maliki: We will not allow our country to live a state of killings, displacement and chaos



Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the Arab countries to cooperate with Iraq in the fight against terrorism, is certain that “a serious pest must be eradicated, although the region is facing a great challenge and a serious requires everyone to unite to confront it.

A statement issued by the prime minister’s office received news agency public opinion copy of it today Maliki as saying during a breakfast for the leaders of the security services that he “must be the war on terror, global, so call Aalohqa in the Arab countries to cooperate in the fight against terrorism and confront it.”

He explained that “it is victorious in the battle does not mean he exceeded ordeals because the challenges are great and Iraq is not in isolation from it,” stressing that “the achievements of security required to make strenuous efforts to preserve it by working to unite and participation of all segments of the Iraqi people.”

He said al-Maliki said “the entry of other powers on the line crises in the region contributed to ignite the region and push for intervention in the affairs of Arab countries,” stressing “the need to raise the level of readiness of security forces to confront the forces of terrorism.”

He stressed that “we will not allow our country to be in a state of killings, displacement and chaos.”

He pointed out that “security leaders dumped on the responsibility of a responsibility do not want to shirk responsibility for it’s our honor,” adding that “what happened in the prisons Taji and Abu Ghraib are schemes implemented from third parties aimed at defeating the man security, political, and the Iraqi people who faced terrorism valiantly. “

Maliki called on the Iraqi people “to support the security forces and to provide information on the movements of terrorist forces and intelligence agencies to achievements in the field of intelligence information in order to break the backbone of terrorism and terrorists and all those who want bad in Iraq.”

And saw the prison Abu Ghraib and Taji last week escape more than {500} prisoner following a kick terrorists stormed the prison car bombs and explosive belts and has fallen victim to intrusion eight employees of the security and injuring {14} others after armed clashes between terrorists and security personnel responsible for the protection of prisons, comes In light of the continued terrorist attacks, car bombs and improvised explosive devices targeting innocent