Maliki reveals the conditions and what he has to say of Barzani case provide meeting
Maliki reveals the conditions and what he has to say of Barzani case provide meeting
Palm – showed Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s willingness to meet with regional president Massoud Barzani during his visit to Arbil, “If you provide the meeting,” and confirmed that what he will say to Barzani is that Iraq is “a democratic, federal,” and stressed that according to this definition, it “does not exist for nothing name of self-determination, “stressing that it should be any talks between the parties in order to resolve differences within the ceiling of the Constitution and unified Iraq.
Maliki said in an interview with Al-Iraqiya semi-official broadcast Saturday afternoon and seen by “news agency palm” I have no personal issue with the head of Iraq’s Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, the availability of the meeting, “and added,” but does not mean that at the meeting to leave commitments and constants. ”
He Maliki that “the conference host President Evacuee Islamic Supreme Ammar al-Hakim in the first of June was to meet a symbolic reconciliation,” noting “We drank tea and تصافحنا from beyond that and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi and I told him I did not kill your father did not kill you and my father but our disagreement on how to manage the state and the application of the Constitution and commitment. ”
Maliki stressed that “the differences with the leaders is not a personal Lacan with the speaker of parliament or the head of Iraq’s Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani,” noting “We talked on the agreements and consensus and where irregularities but now in order to open the files should keep the ceiling, a constitution and then go down to the details.”
He said al-Maliki “I met Othaor and we went to Erbil is not a private visit I do, or at the invitation is to hold a meeting of the Council of Ministers as Akdnha in Mosul and Basra and the other on the grounds that Erbil is also part of Iraq,” stressing saying, “I do not to close the door to meet a I would not say to Mr. Massoud Barzani, but a republican, democratic Iraq governed by federal Constitution Come Ntuaagaf the building on it. ”
Maliki stressed that “the definition of the state of Iraq in the Constitution is the Republic of federal democracy and that Iraq is a country of one,” he continued, “This means there is no such thing as self-determination because we decided determination when we put the constitution and put that Iraq is one country, democratic, federal,” stressing that “this is any ceiling talks and the Constitution governs it and we will say Come to apply the Constitution to all aspects of life where we are. ”
The modern-Maliki, one day before the planned visit, on Sunday, (June 9, 2013), to the city of Arbil to hold a Cabinet meeting in the capital of the Kurdistan region. was head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, counting on May 31, 2013, that the Kurdish issue has become ” living its golden age “because opponents in the position of” weak “as confirmed, on 11 May 2013, that the new Iraq, which” contributed to the province to build “can not be judged,” but national partnership real compatibility between all its components. ” The head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani , in (12 April 2013), his assurances that the Kurds “are not ready to live under oppression and tyranny” in the case of failure to resolve the political problems in Iraq, and stressed that the social situation in the Kurdistan region, “walking at a steady pace forward.” as that Barzani returned to renew confirm his fears, on April 14, 2013, from the return of dictatorship in Iraq While he stressed that he would not accept “absolutely no attempt to remove the political process derailed democratic or abandonment of consensus and partnership real, also renewed Tlouhah other options in the event of the past situation as it is it now. was the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani announced, (March 14, 2013), that the cause of the crisis through which Iraq is currently “not to abide by the constitution,” which defined the duties and rights of all the parties, and between that the solution lies “in the implementation of the Convention on Arbil” because it a road map to save Iraq, and stressed that the Kurds will not accept subordination and their key role in the new Iraq commensurate with the size of the sacrifices they have made for this role, and asked, “Are we partners If yes Fenrid already and if not Vleslk each way appropriate,” and stressed that “not Having someone capable of treachery to the Iraqi people after all these victims that we have provided, “and underlined that” everyone should expect to be working on a report our own destiny. ” The forces of Kurdistan met in (April 1, 2013) and confirmed that it would resort to “appropriate options” in the case of not to take the National Alliance practical steps and procedures for the application of the partnership and consensus in the central government, and confirmed those forces as eager to protect the Constitution and the values of partnership and balance and national consensus, stressing to follow a true partnership, consensus and balance as the basis for any solution Matrouh and without meeting these conditions become options are open to all. called Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani, in the 18 of February, 2013, to correct the course of the process of governance in the country, demanding that Kurdish political parties to “unite discourse” They call themselves which was launched in January 24, 2013, which stressed the correct path of the political process in Iraq, stressing that the current situation is unsustainable.