Maliki nominate six people to disrupt the election of the President of the Republic

Maliki nominate six people to disrupt the election of the President of the Republic

July 21, 2014

Maliki nominate six people to disrupt the election of the President of the RepublicBAGHDAD – ((eighth day))

Political source revealed, that the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki nominated six people for the presidency in order to disrupt the presidential election in the parliament session next Wednesday.

The source said in his speech to the Agency ((eighth day)) that Maliki assigned MP for the “coalition of Iraq,” Mehdi al-Hafez and Hanan al about the state of law and feminist activist Rehab apparent resident in Germany, in addition to the legal adviser Ahmed Abbadi, and Hussein al-Moussawi, the nomination for the presidency of the Republic .

He added, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is pushing increased to assure opponents Kurds that there is strong opposition to their policies, noting that the large number of nominations may fail candidate Kurds to get the majority required and impede the presidential election, which is half the number of members of parliament plus one, and then bargaining Kurds winning the third term in the presidency to the government in return for their support Neil served as President of the Republic.

The Kurdish forces have agreed on the nomination of Barham Salih, Fuad Masum, for the presidency. (A, A)