Maliki: National Guard will not pass a law after the Doha Conference

Maliki: National Guard will not pass a law after the Doha Conference

08/09/2015 12:39

Maliki - National Guard will not pass a law after the Doha ConferenceBrother – Baghdad
He said the president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki in a televised interview broadcast on a number of Iraqi Satellite TV channels that “the law of the National Guard will not pass.”
Maliki said “I do not think that the National Guard Law will recognize, especially after holding the Doha conference, which cause severe allergic between all shades of the Iraqi society, because such a project needs a good arm and great revenues, and can not be all that the intervention of foreign hands negative trying symbols Guard Law National derailed. ”
And follow-Maliki “should be popular crowd is the main base of the National Guard, Valhacd now. There are Shiites, Sunnis, Christians and even the Kurds, and approval of the National Guard Law in this period and after the Doha conference makes us imagine that there is a blueprint opens the way for sectarian put the ingredients, so it must We pay attention to each well of a national law enacted. ”
He also said “that the National Guard was a national project, but it has become dangerous for the country after foreign interventions it, it must be mixed National Guard and in all the provinces, and not to be the provinces of guards or territory, Flo has also become, we can not move any force our will, I remember there was a problem At the time, he wanted to move brigade 16 of the army and it was the Kurds, but they rebelled and took up arms, and returned to the region, so it will not accept this law because it will be the spearhead of the projects have destroyed the country. ”
Asked about accounting and who took part in the Doha conference, al-Maliki said that “any official of the object was, sat down with the Baathists and terrorists in Doha will be held accountable, both within the House of Representatives or hold him accountable and prosecuted according to the Iraqi constitution and the law.”
When asked about his relationship with Iran, he said: “we are linked with Iran’s historical ties, and the Islamic Republic a major role in the stand next to us against al Daash, both provide us with weapons or equipment, and we, the people of all of Iraq to thank Iran, Shiite and Sunni, for standing to next to us in the fight against this Organization”.