Maliki is seeking to form a lobby of Parliament passed amendments to block Abadi

Maliki is seeking to form a lobby of Parliament passed amendments to block Abadi

April 3, 2016

Maliki is seeking to form a lobby of Parliament passed amendments to block AbadiSome of the Iraqi National Alliance parties seemed satisfied with the new line-up put forward by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, which forced them to move toward the formation of a lobby in parliament to block the pass line-up after the ten-day deadline that precedes the end of the voting session.
The remaining days of the deadline crucial period to determine the fate of the government, at a time when al-Abadi to bridge the gap between the views of the political blocs trying to agree on the selection, meets the efforts made by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, within the coalition and outside, trying to pull the rug from under the first and derail the upcoming government.
The deputy in the National Alliance , for “new Arab”, ” The Maliki racing against time through extensive meetings with the National Alliance leaders and even leaders of the coalition forces, to rally against the new government Abadi , ” noting that he “began offering views affirm the right of the political blocs to choose candidates and bring them to Abadi and not vice versa as happened. ”
He MP who requested anonymity, that “al-Maliki indicates that al-Abadi exceeded the elections, and jumped on the political consensus government program, and bypass the Constitution and the law, and himself a government formed by a unit of without reference to the political blocs, which means that Sinfrd virtue of the State Administration alone. ”
He added that “al-Maliki could influence within the National Alliance blocks except for al-Sadr bloc, which did not come close ones,” adding that it “seeks to collect the largest number of naysayers of Representatives for a variety of non-approval and form an opposition bloc to the new government,” noting that he “succeeded in influencing a number of blocks and blocks, especially those who see themselves affected by the change, including the virtue mass and mass Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, in addition to the Badr bloc. ”
He stressed that “the Parliamentary build-up in the case has been agreed upon will hinder pass the government will reduce the chances of its success.”
For his part, MP said the state law, led by al-Maliki, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, said that “the new government will face Abadi rejecting the objection of the political blocs in the parliament.”
Jafar said in a press statement, “The current atmosphere is ripe to challenge the government Abadi within the parliament,” noting that “the rejection faced selection is not just one block, but from the Kurdistan Alliance and the Alliance of blocks of the Iraqi forces and others.”
He pointed out that “modern Abadi to provide replacements for each candidate has been rejected by Parliament, is illogical and unacceptable; it will open the door to automatically extend the deadline to the roof about six months instead of ten days.”
Recognizes the Iraqi parliament, on Thursday evening, government amendments Abadi file, after Parliament agreement on receiving and then vote on them within 10 days, with the adoption of amendments relating to agents ministers and directors-general and heads of other bodies and institutions, such as the judiciary and the central bank and the election commission, a month after the adoption of The new government reshuffle.
Aktham Saifuddin
New Arab newspaper