Maliki: I have the right to run and would not relinquish never
Maliki: I have the right to run and would not relinquish never
Posted, July 5th, 2014 23:45
Baghdad / follow Baghdadi News / .. Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Friday, he will not give up never to run for prime minister in Iraq for a third term.
Maliki said in a statement aired by Al “Iraq,” the official said the coalition of “state law” which led, fought a fierce election battle during which the various types of accusations, and to “unfair campaign” waged by “internal and external views known.”
“We were able to achieve a landslide victory in the elections, admitted that the world Bashvaviha and integrity,” following the coalition of “state law” is the largest bloc and the right holder in the post of prime minister.
The Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi, the former announced on Thursday evening to withdraw his candidacy for the post of President of the Council for the current session, calling on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki not to run for the post of prime minister for a third term. Finished / Agencies