Maliki hosted by the Parliament to clarify the results of the visit Kuwait
Date: Monday 19/03/2012 10:27
Baghdad / Iyad al-Tamimi
said MP from the block free Ali al-Timimi for orientation of many members of the House to host Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after the end of the Arab summit to the headquarters of the House of Representatives for clarification from him on the results of his recent visit to Kuwait. said Tamimi said in a statement it had received the long version of it that “Hosting this will show a lot of circumstances and… will put an end to the gossip and speculation with regard to relations between the two countries.”
He added that “Iraq needs to consolidate its relations with neighboring countries, especially Kuwait because of the relations convulsive result of the policies of the former regime and to deliver a message to our brothers in Kuwait and the rest of the world that Iraq today is different than it was several years ago which now looks to build strong ties with neighboring countries in particular, and the rest of the world in general. ”
He said Tamimi, that “the information currently available on the Prime Minister’s visit to Kuwait very little except what leaks here and there, especially from members of the delegation accompanying him, stating If so, then what appeared in the media that there is a compromise earlier by Maliki of Kuwait, this is completely unacceptable, stressing that the House of Representatives rejects the principle of concessions at the expense of the Iraqi issue, whatever the reasons. expected to be hosting the Prime Minister at a meeting of Parliament for this purpose after the end of the Arab Summit to be held late this month.
For his part, a coalition of state law, led by Nuri al-Maliki that this calls for bids only political, considering that the climb-Maliki in parliament after a successful visit to Kuwait is a creation of crisis only.
member of a coalition of state law MP Ehsan Al-Awadi said that Maliki’s visit were not the result of chance but is the result of diplomatic efforts carried out by Government all models over the past years to the existence of common solutions in more than 15 files stuck between the two neighbors.
He said Al-Awadi said in a statement of the day yesterday that the visit was tremendously successful, especially as it discussed the important files graphic border, as well as on the subject of Iraqi Airways, and was considered Awadi said the visit was a clear and public, denying that there are secret deals have been between the two sides (Kuwait, and Iraq), stressing that the files are all discussed, and the committee formed to follow up the files will start work to solve it technically and politically, pointing out that the outstanding issues with the Kuwaiti side are more than than two decades Vhlha speed demanded by the political blocs is impossible. adding that the coalition of state law does not mind hosting al-Maliki, but provided that it be positive, but we see that the results of the visit, had announced in advance by the government spokesman, there is no need to return again.