Maliki confirms the need to adhere to Kerry commissioned by the candidate of the largest bloc to form a government
Maliki confirms the need to adhere to Kerry commissioned by the candidate of the largest bloc to form a government
06/23/2014 16:15
Baghdad – and babysit – Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Monday, need to adhere to Baltoukitat constitutional political process, stressing the need to adhere to a candidate commissioned the largest bloc to form a government, while he and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his appreciation to proclaim Iraqi leaders of the commitment of the political process and timings Constitutional her .
Maliki said in a statement issued after a meeting at his office official, today, U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, “and received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of it, he” discussed the latest developments of the challenges faced by Iraq, “stressing the need to adhere Baltoukitat constitutional political process” .
Maliki said that “there are dates set by the Constitution of the process of formation of the government and the election of the three presidencies and result in the assignment of the candidate of the largest bloc to form a new government should be adhered to.”
For his part, U.S. Secretary of State for “appreciation for the Iraqi leaders have shown commitment to the political process and constitutional timings for it.” P / h