Maliki confirms the importance of the role Talabani in the political process

Maliki confirms the importance of the role Talabani in the political process

06/22/2013 12:03 AM

Maliki confirms the importance of the role Talabani in the political processCalled Kubler to solve the problem of the PMOI
BAGHDAD – morning
sent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki a letter to President Jalal Talabani, during which the joy of positive developments for the president’s health because of their importance in his return to take on responsibilities that will complete the process of rebuilding Iraq.
Maliki said in his letter which received the “morning,” a copy of which: rejoice each news we receive from the team medical improvement your health and increase prayers you a speedy recovery, health and safety, to return Mr. President safely to your family and your country of Iraq and to your responsibilities and your role in the construction of this state on the ruins of dictatorship, sectarianism and terrorism and the Baath ” .
and continued: “I’ve left for yourself fingerprints good on the political process and love in the hearts of Iraqis as they pray for you health, safety and prompt return to move together in the way of completing the process of construction and reconstruction and the power of the state and prevented the delight in which all Iraqis and melt them all barriers and legacies bad that made ​​the Baath and after Taúfen and terrorists new. ”
Moreover, Prime Minister in his official office yesterday (Thursday) Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Martin Kobler mark the end of his mission in Iraq, and assuming the task of the largest mission in the UN peacekeeping force in the world.
and the price of Prime Minister efforts made by Kubler through his work in Iraq, and wished him success in his new mission, calling for more cooperation and coordination between the UN Mission and the Iraqi government. Maliki said: “After the end of the outstanding issues with Kuwait call for the international mission to focus their attention on solving the problem of the PMOI and drive them out from Iraq as soon as the application of the agreement signed with the United Nations in this regard. ”