Maliki breach of his powers and acted alone operations in Anbar, and to be afraid of for electoral purposes

Najafi: Maliki breach of his powers and acted alone operations in Anbar, and to be afraid of for electoral purposes

Posted,  25  January 2014 20:29

Najafi-Maliki breach of his powers and acted alone operations in Anbar[Follow-up – where]

Criticized House Speaker Osama Najafi Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces Nouri al-Maliki to implement the ongoing military operations in Anbar province against armed groups without reference to the House of Representatives.

Nujaifi said in an interview conducted in Washington, which is currently being visited “We Anard the war against terrorism, but the prime minister acted alone in this case and it was taking the approval of Parliament.”

“We support the parking clans with army forces but that do not use this movement politically or electorally or instigate a time tight before the election, then it is it a big question mark and talking about the framework of breach of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of his powers and is supposed to be like so operations with the approval of Parliament.”

The Najafi said that “a military solution alone will not eliminate terrorism and there political solutions,” noting “that, to prevent terrorism in Anbar should be left fighting al Qaeda for the year as managed previously by forming forces self-protection of those areas and fighting years of Anbar and clans Qaeda They tried before and that where they were victorious, and we reward the sons of these areas and appreciate their efforts by creating balance in the security forces and the things we need in the face of terrorism. “ended