Maliki asked Obama to stop Exxon deal and the Kurdistan Region

Maliki asked Obama to stop Exxon deal and the Kurdistan Region

19/06/2012 21:07

Erbil, June 19 (Rn) – An adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Tuesday that al-Maliki asked the U.S. President Barack Obama intervene to prevent the oil giant Exxon Mobil to move forward in a deal with the Kurdistan region, warning of the repercussions and consequences on the stability of Iraq. and raised Exxon anger Baghdad last year signed an agreement for exploration with the Kurdistan Regional Government in the north of the country and described the Federal Government the agreement as illegal. Ali al-Moussawi, media advisor to the owners, “explained Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, President Obama in a letter sent this month, the consequences of severe to deal Exxon and their negative impact the stability of Iraq, “as quoted by Reuters. was Iraq’s oil minister said in April that Exxon wrote to Baghdad informing them that she stopped working in the Kurdistan region. Moussawi said, “Despite a letter Exxon to stop work in the region are still receiving information on the work under way give rise to uncertainty regarding their activities to explore. ” The Government of Iraqi Kurdistan in November for the signing of agreement, including the six concessions for exploration with Exxon, the first oil company, a major global deal directly with the region. and Exxon one of the major oil companies involved in mega-projects designed to make Iraq the largest exporter in the world the supply of new oil over the next few years but the company’s decision to the U.S. to deal with the Kurdistan government has angered Baghdad. and prevented the federal government Exxon to compete on a tour of awarding contracts fourth in Iraq because of the deal it signed with Kurdistan. Moussawi said “the significance of the message is clear. should intervene the U.S. administration. ” and added that “al-Maliki met with officials from Exxon during his visit to the United States in December and explained to the company that its deal with the Kurdistan region is a violation of the law and can lead to serious problems.”Abdullah Sabri

Source: aknews