Maliki and Barzani, confirming the need for the adoption of the budget
Maliki and Barzani, confirming the need for a solution to the outstanding issues and accelerate the adoption of the budget
17/02/2014 17:49
Follow-up – and babysit – Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Barzani outstanding differences budget for fiscal 2014.
A delegation headed by the provincial Barzani arrived in the afternoon to the capital Baghdad from Arbil to discuss outstanding issues with the federal government.
A statement by the prime minister’s office received news agency public opinion, a copy of which said on Monday that “al-Maliki received in his office today, the official KRG President Barzani and his accompanying delegation, the two sides discussed the challenges facing Iraq.”
The statement added that “the two sides stressed during the meeting the need for a solution to the outstanding issues in a scheduled meeting between the delegations of the government and the province, and accelerate the adoption of the general budget of the country.”
It is said that the delegation includes Deputy Chairman of the Kurdistan regional government Imad Ahmed and Chairman of the Presidium of the region, Fouad Hussein, Minister of Natural Resources Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Planning Ali Sindi and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Rashid Tahir and provincial government spokesman Sven Dzia.
According to Kurdish sources said the federal government delegation includes Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani, Minister of Finance Agency purity of net debt and Oil Minister Abdul Karim and coffee.
The official spokesman for the provincial government Sven Dzi had said on Sunday he was “in the framework of continuing the current talks in order to reach solutions to address the crisis between Erbil and Baghdad about my oil and Budget, will travel on Monday [today] Delegation Kurdistan Regional Government headed by Barzani to Baghdad.” .
M. J