Maliki: agricultural product support contributed to boost production this year
Maliki: agricultural product support contributed to boost production this year
08/20/2013 12:00 AM
BAGHDAD – morning
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the support of the product national agricultural shares to raise output this year, especially in wheat and barley.
came during a meeting Monday, the delegation of the General Federation of Societies of agricultural cooperative.
Prime Minister said, according to him a statement received » Sabah »copy of it: that« the government has paid great attention to support the agricultural sector and raising its level to which we aspire », saying« we are working hard on the development of the agricultural sector and make it a reality best and overcome all witnessed the damage due to the wrong policies of the former regime ».
Maliki stressed the need that everyone is aware of the importance of supporting the agricultural sector, because providing the necessary supplies for the farm will give the correct results.
called on the prime minister to support the industrial and agricultural sectors and others, and that does not rely on the oil sector only, demanding that farmers benefit from agricultural initiative, especially loans and the provision of modern mechanisms and sophisticated.
part, the delegation expressed its readiness to exert maximum efforts to benefit from government support for the agriculture sector, also expressed his willingness to develop the agricultural sector and the promotion of agricultural development in the national interest.