Maliki accused Saudi Arabia of terrorism calls to be placed under “international trusteeship”

Maliki accused Saudi Arabia of terrorism calls to be placed under “international trusteeship”

Published on: 8-14-2016, 13:02

Maliki accused Saudi Arabia of terrorism calls to be placed under international trusteeshipFree event …
Accused Nuri al-Maliki, former Prime Minister and leader of a coalition of state law, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as “the source of terrorism,” and as he saw that the United States missed estimates in Syria and bowed to Saudi pressure, and questioned the “fact” Turkish coup.
This came in an interview with al-Maliki and the official Iranian news agency, and followed up the “free event”, he said, that “Saudi Arabia is the source of terrorism in the region and the world,”
Stressing that “the only solution to control Saudi Arabia is placed under international trusteeship to curb terrorist activities.”
He said al-Maliki as saying, in response to a question about a previous signals launched by Riyadh for intervention in Iraqi affairs, saying “large and very many guides do not need to process
Narrative, which is clear through contact with groups in Iraq and through the hostile media which targets the political process, and begin these interventions of fatwas
Issued against us and support for terrorist groups on the Syrian border and through Turkey and Yemen, the Libyan purchase of arms by Saudi Arabia for terrorists, according to
Information, so the Saudi position between the opinions and attitudes to support terrorists financially and morally support and weapons, these are all positions helped to weaken the Iraqi government and to strengthen its opponents. ”
In the Syrian file, he saw al-Maliki, said that “the Americans were reading the wrong, they think that Syria will fall in a month or two months from the beginning of the movement, warned them
And I told them I will not be able, America was under Saudi pressure, by virtue of the good relationship between the two countries was America responds to the Saudi pressure so received
Saudi Arabia’s demand for a UN Security Council resolution to strike Syria, but no parking Russia, China and use its veto to stop this resolution, would have been a great compliment between
Saudi and US sides on the background of the common interests between the two countries. ”
On the Islamic alliance, led by the UK against terrorism, al-Maliki commented, “This balloon has no value and will not form the Islamic Alliance, whenever form is in alliance
Yemen this amount and now they disagree among themselves, Saudi Arabia wishes to have a broad coalition of Islamic and from 34 or 35 countries, of course, their goal Iran and Iraq
The intervention in Iraq, Iran and Syria, this is their goal, but this thing is not easy to lead a coalition in which Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Sudan, Algeria and many Arab countries so
I saw as a project is not serious but he expressed Saudi Arabia’s intentions to intervene in the region. ”
With regard to the coup attempt in Turkey, said owners “Whenever I want to Orod myself to accept that what happened in Turkey is a real coup, can not prove
It as a real coup, coup say that but I think it is possible to be a part of it is to measure, and is possible to be an intention coup, but the government has been able to
Maliki calls to Saudi Arabia, was placed under “international trusteeship” skeptical Turkish coup 14/08/2016
Facing this coup direction that has made it its purpose, because I can not imagine that during the eight hours that all that happened to happen, the sacking of the Federal Court
And the judiciary, as well as a number of lawyers, teachers, governors and governors, as well as a number of media, this is not an easy issue sorted. ”