Magda Tamimi: 2017 budget where huge waste of Aivadat private jets

Magda Tamimi: 2017 budget where huge waste of Aivadat private jets

09/04/2016 13:06

Magda Tamimi - 2017 budget where huge waste of Aivadat private jets[Special Oan-]
said a member of the parliamentary finance committee Majida al – Tamimi, the overall financial state budget for 2017 , ” in which major financial wastage.”
Said al – Tamimi told all of Iraq [where], ” a counterbalance which is still a great many passages where the waste of public money , despite complaints the government has repeatedly case of fiscal austerity and seeking to borrow in the sense that the country is sinking external debt because of erroneous financial policy of the state and not to the corrupt who are held accountable.”
She added , “There Aivadat and buy , especially in the budget and a lot of doors with a large exchange “planes revealing that it” has completed files in a very important and put her hand on where to go and the Iraqi people ‘s money and beneficiary and who we are bugs and put solutions to them “without disclose the identity and nature of these files.
the Al – Tamimi to, ” the 2017 budget is generally similar for the budget in 2016 and we have many points it” likely at the same time that ” the parliament approved the budget before the end of 2016″.
the cabinet, voted in its meeting last Tuesday, the draft budget law for 2017.
the head of the Minister Haider al – Abadi, a former time, that ” the 2017 budget suffers from a significant fiscal deficit due to lack of oil imports , compared with a rise of employees and retirees salary cap , ” adding that the government “set the price of $ 35 per barrel of oil within the 2017 budget.”
He pointed Abadi to “customize functional degrees the health sector and local police and popular crowd in Mosul , “stressing” the pursuit Council of Ministers to submit the budget to the House of Representatives next September 10 before. ”
he said the parliamentary finance committee member Sirhan Ahmed, said the budget 2017 deficit, estimated at 30 trillion dinars Iraqis any 30% Total budget is larger than the budgets of 2016 and 2015 deficit , “stressing that” there is a shortening of the government in the fight against corruption and prevent the waste of public money. ”