Macaron calls on Iraq to apply Article 140 in disputed areas and dismantle the popular crowd
Macaron calls on Iraq to apply Article 140 in disputed areas and dismantle the popular crowd
Sat, 02 Dec 2017 15:56:15
French President Emmanuel Macaron on Saturday called on the Iraqi authorities to dismantle all armed factions, including the Popular Forces, while stressing that Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution should be applied to the disputed areas.
He also expressed the French President during a press conference with the Kurdistan Regional Government President Nizrvan Barzani, convinced of the possibility of a constructive dialogue between Baghdad and Iraqi Kurdistan, in order to contribute to lifting the ban and allow for a fair financial transfers between the Iraqi regions
Barzani said: “We are committed to the Iraqi constitution and we have no differences with the central government on the question of the right of the federal government to control the national borders.”
“We respect the decision of the Federal Court of Iraq,” Barzani said. “We also thank the role of the French president in helping to find a solution between the Kurdistan government and the central government.”
McCron concluded by calling for dialogue in Iraq between the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government under the Iraqi constitution, saying: “I am convinced that a constructive dialogue – may lead to lifting restrictions on the Kurdish region.”