“Los Angeles Times” is ringing the alarm bell: Washington’s actions and behind Maliki adventures

“Los Angeles Times” is ringing the alarm bell: Washington’s actions and behind Maliki adventures and dismantle Iraq’s sectarian policies

Posted 28/03/2013 01:02 PM

BAGHDAD – “arenas of liberation”
warned an American newspaper that Iraq en route to the division because of the policies Maliki and his handling of the partners in the government and outside, noting that such policies pushed the majority of citizens to incitement to dismantle the country, while confirming that the United States does not do anything to stop it .
While it considered that America’s actions toward Iraq is not in its favor, and that al-Maliki because of feel bold and tends to gamble, pointed out that its airport Prime Minister of Aissaoui helicopter previously came after contact with Kerry, believing that Maliki “beats another nail in the coffin of Iraq Consolidated “, while showed that the latter has become convinced the departure of Bashar al-Assad is concerned the flow of insurgents into his country and renewed civil war.

And published “Los Angeles Times” on Wednesday, an article for “Henri Barkey,” professor of international relations at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania American, which opened essay warning that “Iraq on its way toward disintegration, and the United States do not do anything to stop it, and if We asked people in Iraq about it, some of them had been influenced his actions and began calling for it, with a few exceptions. ”
said Barkey to “incident mission took place during this month, without notice and media the United States, which by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to send a military force included helicopters to Anbar province to arrest Rafie al-Issawi and former finance minister, but al-Issawi managed to escape, after he was protected members gunmen from clan Abu Risha, one of the powerful tribes that emerged after 2003. ”
He guessed that “the reason most prominent behind targeting Maliki Aissaoui , is that it seeks to contain the opposition before they spread, “pointing out that” the move came after a telephone conversation with Foreign Minister John Kerry, but said the move took Washington by surprise, and almost lead to face catastrophic, or a prelude to spark a civil war in the country. ”
He professor of international relations at Lehigh University that “measures Maliki represents another nail beats in the coffin of a unified Iraq,” noting that “policies Maliki increased tension in the western regions of the Sunni majority from Iraq, where many of the demonstrations in those areas that mimic revolutions Arab Spring” .
and continued Barkey said, “Maliki, a Shiite Muslim, accused in the past of Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi issues related to terrorism, which forced him to flee out of Iraq in 2011, and tried evacuated in absentia, and sentenced to death.”
He described the clashes Maliki to “shock, as that the growing totalitarian practices of the Prime Minister raise the ire of component Kurdish in the country, who on the contrary of the year, they succeeded in admitting them by the Constitution in their special federal, and the right to form a government of this province, “مردفا that” the Kurds are running area their autonomy, with the forces of defense Private, but nevertheless, the relationship between Baghdad and the Kurdish capital Arbil tense, so that the central government has made cooperation difficult, if not impossible. ”
and went on Parque in his article in the Los Angeles Times that “policies Maliki reveal dissatisfaction with the developments in Syria, he is convinced that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who belongs to the Shiite sect upper, is on his way out, “past by saying,” Maliki feared tidal wave of Sunni fighters, who could cross the border to the Iraqi interior, Faaidoa revive civil war Andaat in the country after the war year 2003. ”
and stressed that “tendencies of dictatorship of the owners would lead to the division of the country along sectarian and ethnic lines,” explaining, “This is not what you want the United States, as this division will ensure the stability of the region.”
and noted Barkey said that “every time you meet the United States Maliki, then it feels more daring, and continues in dangerous adventures, “he said, citing” the United States’ relationship with the Kurdish regional government, فالكرد they believe that Washington stands by Baghdad at the expense of Kurdish interests. ”
