Liberal bloc: American intervention is unacceptable .. and America seeks to occupy Iraq again

Liberal bloc: American intervention is unacceptable .. and America seeks to occupy Iraq again

17/09/2014 12:35

Liberal bloc - American intervention is unacceptable and America seeks to occupy Iraq againSpecial – and babysit – rejected the Liberal bloc “American intervention in Iraq,” said the MP for the Liberal block F Bahadli, that “the American intervention in the affairs of Iraq is rejected by the Sadrist movement, on land and air.”
Bahadeli In an interview with “public opinion”, he described the American intervention “Balsavr,” adding that “the Americans did not intervene for the security and stability of Iraq, but for the occupation of Iraq and a new landing ground or air forces.” Adding, “America did not provide support for the Iraqi army, especially with regard to file armament.” Bahadli said that “Daash is a creature of American and British”.

He Bahadeli parking bloc along with the security agreement “that would preserve the sovereignty and security of Iraq is not where Iraq is weak and occupied by America.”

Adding that “the American administration stood beside what was done by the terrorist groups when he entered Mosul in the 10th of June and stood deduced from the Iraqi government, despite the latter’s application of Washington to intervene to stop the expansion Daash in Iraq, but Obama said statements sectarian and consider what is happening in Iraq a natural reaction on government policy. ”

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, the first vowed on Monday, the United States, to return to Iraq, in a statement posted on the official page on the social networking site “Facebook”.

Referred to the French capital Paris hosted, the first on Monday (September 15, 2014), the conference on “Peace and Security in Iraq”, attended by representatives of more than twenty countries, to discuss international cooperation in the fight against militants of the “Islamic state”, and define the role of each country in the international coalition that would like to stay in the United States in order to “destroy” the organization, which controls the elements of large areas in Iraq and Syria.

The participants agreed at the conference to stay on alert with regard to their support for the Iraqi authorities to organize and fight “Daash,” while confirmed their adherence to the unity of Iraq and its territorial integrity, sovereignty and praised the new Iraqi government.

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