Liberal: Abadi addresses the mistakes of al-Maliki to get Iraq out of its crisis

Liberal: Abadi addresses the mistakes of al-Maliki to get Iraq out of its crisis

04/19/2017 11:32

Liberal - Abadi addresses the mistakes of al-Maliki to get Iraq out of its crisisWednesday blamed the Liberal parliamentary bloc of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki responsible for what is happening in Iraq from political conflicts and security and economic crisis, as she noted that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi addresses the mistakes of his predecessor to get Iraq out of its crisis.
The MP said the bloc Abdul Aziz Dalimy said in a press statement that “Nuri al-Maliki bears responsibility for what is happening in Iraq from political conflicts and Ndhur security and economic crises after giving military orders security leaders to withdraw from the province of Nineveh, and some areas and handed over to the elements of the organization Daesh terrorist,” stressing “the need Accounting and the trial of the fall of Mosul, al-Maliki and the martyrdom of 3000 member of the massacre Speicher. ”
“The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi took over the government in light of the deteriorating security and economic situation and political conflicts between the parties and one-third of the fall of Iraq, however Daesh the terrorist and the passage of Iraq’s harsh phase as a result of the wrong policy of the owners in the government administration.”
He Dalimy that “Abadi addresses today what he did his predecessor, al-Maliki from the mistakes and unify the visions and reforms in the departments and state institutions and economic drive Iraq out of its crisis.”