Legal: The speaker of the House of Representatives may be removed from his post

Legal: The speaker of the House of Representatives may be removed from his post

10:50 – 05/22/2020

Legal - The speaker of the House of Representatives may be removed from his postBaghdad – Mawazine News
, the legal expert, Tariq Harb, confirmed on Friday the possibility of removing Speaker of Parliament Muhammad Al-Halbousi from his post.
Harb said in an interview with “Mawazine News”, that “Article 12 / Second of the bylaws allowed the parliament to dismiss the Speaker of Parliament and did not specify any reason, and this was confirmed by Article 12 / VIII of Law of Parliament No. 13 of 2018 regarding the dismissal of the deputy, which includes the term deputy The speaker of parliament as a deputy, which authorized the impeachment upon serious breach of the rules of representative conduct. ”
He added, “The dismissal of the Speaker is by a decision, as it is required to apply the provisions of Article 59 of the Constitution, that is, to have a session in which the quorum is achieved, that is, it is necessary to attend at least 165 deputies, considering that the majority is more than half of the total number of deputies of 329 deputies, so if the number of deputies present 165, the approval of 84 deputies is sufficient to dismiss the speaker of the House of Representatives, and if the number of deputies present is 200, the vote of 101 deputies is sufficient to impeach them as more than half. ”End 29 / p.