Legal representative: to hold provincial elections on schedule almost impossible

Legal representative: to hold provincial elections on schedule almost impossible

16.04.2017 at 10:23 (Baghdad time)

Legal representative - to hold provincial elections on schedule almost impossibleBaghdad balances News
Parliamentary Legal Committee said, Sunday that hold provincial elections on schedule almost impossible.
The committee member said Zana Said in a statement / balance News /, that “there is almost an agreement between the political blocs to postpone provincial elections to be held in April next year with the 2018 parliament elections.”
Saeed added that “will exist within the parliament to integrate the elections and are now preparing the final versions of the draft provincial elections law.”
He noted that “it is impossible to hold provincial elections on time set by the Council of Ministers in September 2017″.
It is worth mentioning that the parliament decided to postpone the vote on the draft provincial elections law in its meeting yesterday to date Akhar.anthy 29 / d 24