Legal representative: Modify Abadi amnesty is not binding for parliament

Legal representative: Modify Abadi amnesty is not binding for parliament

8/31/2016 10:56

Legal representative - Modify Abadi amnesty is not binding for parliament[Where – special]
Legal Committee of Parliament said on Wednesday, that the amendment , which plans to submit Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi of the general amnesty law passed by the House of Representatives last Thursday ” a non – binding to the parliament.”
He said the Commission ‘s decision Hassan Turan, told all of Iraq [where] “the right of the government to send the amendment to any law and also the right of the House of Representatives that is being edited it sees fit on bills only, according to the Federal Court decision except for the amendments conducted by if it was a financial bush only, while in other places, the House of Representatives authorized to make the amendment , which he deems appropriate to the draft any law proposed by the government or the presidency. ”
He added that” the prime minister told falls within the constitutional framework does not hurt to send the amendment, but this does not mean acceptance of the House of Representatives Lay amendment or proposal sent by the Prime Minister , because it will be subject to the first reading and second discussion the committee and then accept the amendment or reject all of these things are determined by the Constitution and rules of procedure of the House. ”
he said Turan that” important to the Prime Minister by the authority vested in him by the constitution to send the amendment, but the House of Representatives is obliged to accept this amendment, but is subject to legal proceedings in the Constitution. ”
it is said that the House of Representatives passed the approval of the draft general amnesty law last Thursday after a dispute for years upon, especially the paragraph relating to the accused terrorist, where the law pointed to the formation of a judicial committee would be responsible for considering the extent of possibility of re – trial of the accused to Article 4 / terrorism or not, not at the request of the accused himself.
For his part , Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi announced yesterday that the government intends to provide a quick adjustment to the parliament with the exception of terrorism and kidnappings in – law crimes.