Legal Expert: Article 140 need new legislation to the actual it has lost legitimacy
Legal Expert: Article 140 need new legislation to the actual it has lost legitimacy
11-06-2013 05:42 AM
Baghdad (news) .. confirmed legal expert Ahmed Abbadi, that Article 140 of the Constitution need to be new legislation because it has lost legitimacy actual in 2007. Ebadi said in a statement received by the Agency (news) copy of it: that Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution identified Alajraat and steps duty of the executive to take to complete the implementation of Article 58 of the Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period Under Article 140 of the second clause of the constitution have been identified timeframe was set on 31 / December / 2007 a maximum for the implementation of that article. added Abadi: Since it is not implemented Article 140 of the Constitution during the mentioned period, they become ex ended from a constitutional standpoint and need new legislation for the purpose of implementation of the steps to be implemented mentioned in Article 58 of the State Administration Law for the transitional period, which includes re-residents and المهجريين and exiles to Menzalhm and that is not possible, the government compensated compensation is fair. It is noteworthy that the Commission on Article 140 was formed in 2007 and its mission overseeing the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk and other disputed territories and pay compensation to the evacuees, expatriates, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had announced during his visit to the Kurdistan region from the agreement regarding Article 140 of the Constitution with the regional president Massoud Barzani. / End / l . /