Lebanon is seeking to recover $ 900 million owed by Iraq since Saddam

Lebanon is seeking to recover $ 900 million owed by Iraq since Saddam

Posted,  8/8/2013

Lebanon is seeking to recover $ 900 million owed by Iraq since SaddamRange Press / Baghdad
Revealed trade sources in Beirut on Wednesday, the pursuit of the Lebanese government to reach a debt settlement in excess of $ 900 million owed by the Iraqi government for the benefit of private sector companies Lebanese since the era of President of the former regime of Saddam Hussein, while confirming that the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, expressed “interest seriously, “the follow-up to the subject’s” first time. ”
The newspaper Daily Star Lebanon, an official in the Commission Chamber of Commerce Beirut, according to the site (AME) news, and seen by (range Press), “The Governments of Lebanon and Iraq entered into discussions for the purpose of reaching a settlement sums up to more than $ 900 million of the debt owed by the Iraqi government for the benefit of private sector companies for the Lebanese, since the eighties of the last century. ”
He said Chakib Shihab, a member of the committee of the Chamber of Commerce Beirut to follow up this issue with the Iraqi authorities, that “the debt owed by Iraq back its history to the era of President of the former regime of Saddam Hussein, concluded his government at that time commercial contracts with Lebanese companies.”
Shihab added, that “the Iraqi side, particularly Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, has shown for the first time, serious attention and sent a senior official in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance to Beirut last month to follow up on this matter.”
The policies pursued by the previous regime debt-burdened Iraq, which is still tens of billions of extinguishing his trust, although many countries the consequences have his trust.
