Learn the “secret” stuck Washington with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

Learn the “secret” stuck Washington with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

Wednesday 11 May 2016 | 13:18

Learn the secret stuck Washington with Prime Minister Haider al-AbadiBAGHDAD / … MP for Front reform Kazem Sayadi, Wednesday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi as a “puppet,” the US embassy to take over the post of prime minister a substitute for al-Maliki, as explained that giving up a coalition of state law for Abadi made him resort to a majority of support for the international forces, He confirmed the existence of the visions match between US policies and policies Abadi regarding Iraqi affairs.

He said Sayadi’s “Eye of Iraq News” that “America’s adherence to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi back for being a” creature, “the US embassy to take over the post of prime minister a substitute for Maliki,” noting that “America at the time it wanted an alternative to Maliki to find a faster chose Abadi to take on the responsibility of chairing the government”.

He MP front Reform “give up a coalition of state law for Abadi made him resort to the vast international powers to support it, including the United States,” adding that “there is a match visions between US policies and policies Abadi regarding the Iraqi issue, in addition to weak administrative and failing to take the decision the brave”.

America declared its support for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in more than one occasion, as demanded by some political blocs to withdraw confidence from al-Abadi for failing to run the government. It ended 12
