Law of borders demarcation for provinces soon to be endorsed, says MP
Law of borders demarcation for provinces soon to be endorsed, says MP
Baghdad (AIN) –A member of the Parliamentary Provinces not associated to Regions’ Committee assured that “The law of Borders Demarcation for Provinces will be included within the agenda of the Parliament for the first reading.”
The law stipulates that “The provinces will regain its borders before the Baath era, which means the 1960th of the former century, and this law will abolish some of the provinces that used to be districts or sub-districts at that time.”
MP Mufeed al-Baldawi of the State of Law Coalition emphasized in a statement received by AIN on Saturday “The necessity of including the law within the agenda of the parliament to be read for the first time,” noting that “The Provinces Committee has approved the law with majority.”
“The Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Osama al-Nijaifi, held a meeting with the leaders of committees and blocs to discuss this law draft presented by the President Jalal Talabani, and they agreed to refer the law draft to the Provinces and Regions Committee and then to the Legal Committee to be then referred to the Presidency of the Parliament for the first and second reading for endorsement,” MP Baldawi mentioned.
Baldawi stressed the importance of the law draft since it helps settle some obstacles related to implementing the article 140, noting that “The Iraqiya Slate used to object this law draft.” /End/